Today I’m sharing a list of my favorite face masks (the beauty kind, not the COVID kind, lol).
I have tried many, many face masks over the years. The ones that made the “cut” for this list are my absolute favorites, the ones I have repurchased and use regularly.
Also, the masks on this list have very specific purposes–targeted deliverables, if you will. They do what they say they will do, which is not always the case with face masks.
Before I get to the list, though, I thought I’d kick things off with a little tip!
It can be difficult to carve out time to do a face mask, so I like to keep it very streamlined.
I keep my favorite masks IN the shower, so they are right there in front of me, reminding me that I need to use them.
As soon as I’m done showering and turn the water off, I’ll grab my towel and quickly dry off my face. Then, I apply the mask, still in the shower. I’ll rinse off my hands and then let the mask “set” while I finish drying off and putting lotion and such on.
(I also keep my lotions, etc in the shower because it’s way more luxurious to put on lotion in a steamy shower rather than a freezing cold bathroom. That’s a tip I learned from my mom. Also I think I read somewhere that your skin absorbs product better when it’s still damp from the shower).
Then I’ll saunter around the room in my towel, laying out my clothes or pajamas. Before I know it, 10 minutes have passed. I’m ready to wash it off and do the rest of my skincare routine!
I do this probably twice a week. It’s foolproof!
The shower tip applies to most of the masks on this list. These are mostly quick ones that you only need to leave them on for 5-10 minutes to really pack a punch.
BUT. If I really have some time to spend, I’ll turn it into a whole at-home spa situation. I’ll fire up my beloved Amazon facial steamer and get my pores totally primed. I love how clean the steamer makes my face feel. So I’ll steam for five minutes or so and then apply the mask. Heaven.
Okay, here are my favorite face masks:
This is the mask I use when I just need to feel clean, clean, clean. This is kind of a classic clay mask but it’s not super intense like, for example, the Aztec Healing Clay we all used to use in college. This mask draws all the excess oil from my face (you can see the little dots when you’re done using it) and totally shrinks my pores.
This is the most recent addition to my regular rotation. Osea’s products always “wow” me, but this mask is one of those products that gives you *instant* results. I love it so much. It’s gentle and hydrating and leaves my skin looking so fresh and smooth and bright. I like to use this once a week after a shower, before I apply my skincare. But I’ve also read about some people using it overnight which I’d like to try soon too.
(My discount code with Osea is RUTH!)
I don’t use this term very often, but I’d call this a “miracle product.” This mask has kind of a cult following, but I was pretty skeptical at first. How silly–a “depuffing” mask?! It turns out that this product delivers exactly what it promises. After just 10 minutes, it completely tones my face. I like to use this after a pizza + beer night (the best kind of night, don’t get me wrong, but my face always blows up the next day), before an event, or on an early morning wake up call. I checked multiple online retailers, and this mask has nearly perfect reviews on every site.
This mask is a little splurgy but works SO well. This mask from Tata Harper contains natural BHA’s and pomegranate enzymes to provide a really gentle resurfacing treatment on dull skin. After I use this, my face looks smoother, brighter, and tighter. It also minimizes the appearance of pores which is really nice. This mask is gentle enough to use before an event, as it doesn’t leave my face red or irritated at all–just glowy.
This is my favorite budget mask on the market. This oatmeal mask from First Aid Beauty helps nourish and calm my skin. I use this when my skin is dry, irritated, or if I want to give it a little boost without any exfoliating or harsh ingredients. This is a great one to use after a long flight or big travel day, and it’s small enough that you can even throw it in your toiletry bag to bring with you on trips too.
It’s a pre-weekend pick me up: just a little note with links to the latest blog posts, what I’m reading lately, and products I’m obsessed with. Think of it as a friend dropping off a surprise latte in the morning--you know?