file box for a Kids Keepsake File Box Project
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In today’s post, I’m sharing how to put together keepsake file box for kids.

I like to choose a handful of organization projects each January, and, this year, I decided to get the girls’ schoolwork, keepsakes, and documents organized.

This was a real classic “can of worms” situation. I first set out to just find a way to organize their school work. Since the girls started Pre-K and Kindergarten this year, they bring home loads of projects and worksheets each week.

One thing led to another, and I ended up doing an entire overhaul of their documents, medical records, and keepsakes. It took me several days to complete, but I’m SO happy I did it. Everything is all in one place now which has given me so much peace of mind already.

In this post, I’m going to share which school work organizer kit I ordered from Etsy, the box and files to go with it from Amazon, and how I put everything together.

file box for kids school work

Kids Keepsake File Box Project

School work organizer kit from Etsy:

The first thing I did was order this milestone tote kit from Etsy. I selected the “Kit + Cover Pages” from the dropdown menu and opted to pay for the pre-cut tabs. BIG BALLER! The total was $35 for each kit.

Now, I’m SURE someone more capable than me could easily DIY this. I believe you would need a Cricut although far be it from me to elaborate any further.

What I loved about this kit from Etsy was that it basically told me exactly what I needed to do.

I used the labels in the kit as my guide. You can see the file names below. I found a few redundant categories and simply eliminated them.

set of labels for a Kids Keepsake File Box Project

I pulled all of the corresponding, document, keepsakes, and paperwork from their respective locations around the house and garage. I gathered everything from their birth certificates to their ultrasound pictures to their Nutcracker programs. It was a little time-consuming to find everything and put it all together, but it was worth it in the end.

how to organize keepsakes for kids

I placed all of the documents, admin, and general keepsake files at the front and then started their schoolwork files in order behind that.

The kit came with a personalized decal for the front of of the file box (If you’re looking at the listing, I chose font option #1).

two file boxes

The kit also included a little form for each grade meant to be filled out at the end of each school year. There is even a little spot for a photo from the year! SO cute.

paper with questions about a school year

I ordered these clear file bins (sold out on Amazon at the moment) and these pretty pastel file folders from Amazon to go with the kit.

The kit from Etsy cost $35, the file bin cost $15, and the pack of files cost $30, putting this project at a total of $80 (x 2). Not cheap, but not horrible either. Like I said, I’m sure there was a cheaper way to do it, but that was not my calling for this project.

I actually went back to the same listing on Etsy and ordered two more matching decals for each of the girls. There is an option on that same listing to order “Decal only.” I put one on another container I have for each of them with bigger keepsakes like their baby blankets and photo albums, etc. And then I wanted to have another decal for if and when we have to expand their school work to a second file box. I know, I’m crazy.

Okay, I think that covers everything! Let me know if you end up doing this kids keepsake file box project and how it turns out!

two keepsake file boxes for kids

On that note…

Sister Bedroom Makeover

DIY Travel Journal for Kids

Stoney Clover Inspired Backpack DIY

How to Pack For a Long Trip With Kids

Kids Keepsake File Box Project


I write about travel, books, and beauty (and everything else, kind of). I live in San Diego with my husband Tyler and our two little girls, Charlotte and Emmie. 

I'm Ruth

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